jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012


(Basándome en ti)
Verás, no quiero que veas las cosas como en un cuento de hadas, quiero que asumas las consecuencias, que sepas que esto puede hacerte feliz o dejarte echo pedazos, que realmente puedes creen en esto... Realmente me haces feliz con tan poco, y dicha felicidad llega hasta un punto en el que quiero llorar porque creo que no me merezco tanto de ti, que tu necesitas a alguien mejor que yo. (¿Y por qué he de rebajarme? Yo soy la mejor) A ojos de otros esto es una tremenda tontería, un pasatiempos, un error tal vez. Pero para mi, es la felicidad de mi día a día. Créeme.

Sinceramente no sé ni si somos desconocidos o estúpidos.

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012


Verás, esto puede parecer una tontería, creo que la vida es estúpida, y hay que actuar como estúpidos en ella. Soy el tipo de persona que quiere saber lo que va a pasar dentro de una semana, un año, tres años, cinco... Pero después me paro a pensar de una manera fría... Y llego al punto en el cual sé que si supiese todo lo que me va a pasar no tendría sentido seguir viviendo el día a día. Realmente, el destino es tan cruel... Y tan egoísta... Mentiría si dijese que no creo en él o que no creo en nada (Ya que creer en mi misma no cuenta desde mi punto de vista)

¿Qué pasará en noviembre?

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

Just feel it.

+ yes really
+ i love you boo
- I love you bubu
+ its cool BABYYY
- I dont love you now lol Hahahahaha just kidding, sleep well <3
+ its not cool baby -_-
+ you too<33

+ <3333333333333333333333333333333

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Defective tragedy.

+ How many boys do u like?
- Uhm... 1 :_D
+ Who?
- You hehe :__D
+ Tell me about him
- Uhm... What I should say...
+ I'll tell you mines first
- Okay
+ I only like one girl, she lives in spain. Her name is Carmen (Boobo), she means a lot to me, her smile makes me smile, she make me feel loved, I care about her so much, I love the way she cover her nose which she doesn't like it, but Ii know she's a beautiful and her nose is cute. She's a kind girl that you can trust and fall in love with, a girl that should get treated right like a lil princess, she's amazing in every way, she thinks that her legs is the best part of her but to me she is the best not just her legs, she so sweet and cute, watching her sitting there laughing while reading my message is the most precious moment ever, her smile is princeless, she's like a treasure that everyone wants her, I love the way her hair splits in the middle so I can see her whole face <3 She's so cleand and I can tell by looking at her clean room, so tidy an dsuch a wonderful girl, I love the way she gets shy and turns around to hide herself, even through we spoke to each other for a long time now but my heart still beating so fast everytime I see her on cam even when I lay in my bed waiting for her message. I love the way she check hersefl out every minute <33 I like girls who cares about their looks which makes them more cute even though she knos that she's perfect <33 If I was there I would keep on saying those words (Te quiero mucho más, besame los labios), there's no words that can describe her, cause she's better then perfect, I don't know why she always turn to the right and not to the left, she proberly hates the left side or something, If I have a chance to see her parents I would ask them why's your daughter so cute...your body is so sexyyyy makes me want to body2body with you <33
if i had only one day with you i would spend most of the time hugging you and think of something to keep you forever<33
i just want to put my hand back of her neck and kiss her lips slowlyyy
enjoy every moment of it
and whisper to her saying that i want you to be mines forever
and hug her after it to make things more perfect
kiss her shiney forehead
everyone says that no ones perfect but my booboo is the perfect girl <333
shes the kind of girl that makes you loyal to her
someone that you will never let go
okayyy i running out of words<33

erm...... i want to be the one to keep her warm when shes cold
be the one to eat icecream with her when shes hot
be the one to borrow her my shoulder/chest when shes sad
be the one to hug her when under the moon light and kiss her under the rain
hold her hands while shopping buying her new clothes
make fun of her cousin together
show her dad that asian boys can be nice aswell
show them not all chinese boys are dicks
tell the world that there is someone that is perfect (booboo)
message her when she finish studying / homework
make her breakfast,lunch and dinner
make her cute lil love heart muffins
make her kimchee cake
hug her to sleep and kiss her in the morning
tickle her feet to wake her up
watch horror movies with her with my arms around her
take a bath together and rub her back for her
show her how to dance
we can gangnam together
get famous on youtube (...)

+I love my bubu more then all my ex put together, that's alot :O
-Maybe you're wrong~
+My love for you is more then stars
+Unlimited love, there is no limites, loving you is the best thing I ever did.

Who knows...

Jason's time.
No sé, algo realmente grande me dice que pare, que gire la vista hacia otro sitio, otro objetivo. Pero siendo así de terca voy a ignorar ese sentimiento.
Demasiadas respuestas para tan pocas preguntas. Pero, ¿Sabes qué? Incluso aunque el dolor sea mayor que la felicidad, me conformo.

¿Por qué ignorar la felicidad? Sea ficticia o no... I don't care.